Ten Years in the Making: 2017 Open House
On May 11th, we came together with neighbors, partners, volunteers, donors and long time supporters to celebrate our new home at 3108 N Grand.
We are so thankful for such an amazing turnout. Our rooms were full of laughter, reminiscing and new found connections.
Our new home has gone through much change since we began working on the building last August. Thanks to staff and many volunteers, the first two floors of 3108 have improved remarkably. Not only has the building improved but its uses have also increased. Every Tuesday night, community members take advantage of our open gym. HiSET tutoring takes place every Tuesday and Thursday night. Community members have started renting space for local events. SLATE (St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment) has opened an office here to connect local job seekers to training programs and employment opportunities. St. Louis AmeriCorps VISTAs visit regularly for training programs and and our third JLT class just graduated from this building!
In May 2007, Mission: St. Louis was incorporated as a Missouri non-profit. Over the last 10 years, we have realized the importance of listening over telling and have learned how to act with more than just good intentions. Our journey has been one of many steps forward, a couple steps back and lots of conversations. Our move to N. Grand is another step towards our shared goals. In less than a year, we can already see how our move will shape our future and our impact on St. Louis. Thank you for supporting us as we celebrate our 10th year of relationship building, empowerment and community.