more is a community of people who give monthly to create a St. Louis where poverty is eradicated
What makes giving monthly so valuable to Mission: St. Louis + you?
By giving monthly, you invest what makes sense for you and make an incredible impact over the course of your membership. Monthly giving makes donating easy and automatic, providing stable support for our programs month in and month out.
Monthly gifts enable Mission: St. Louis to invest in specific areas of our work, expand our programs and innovate as we know we have ongoing support from the MORE community. Your support is directly contributing to the transformation of St. Louis.
Our monthly giving tiers come together to form something we hold near and dear: HOME.
Our monthly donors receive updates from the field we don't share with anyone else, as well as surprise gifts, photos + videos of the children and communities you've impacted and more!
Your support helps us empower our participants to take the steps necessary to change their lives through education, relationship and wrap-around services. Participants use their newfound strengths to climb the stairs of success.
Giving $10 a month for a year provides 12 books for Beyond School Students.
A door traditionally symbolizes transition, but any transition offers opportunity. Our participants come to us at a time when they are ready to change their lives for the better and we present them with opportunities for social and economic mobility.
Giving $25 a month for a year supports 6 hours of legal counsel for Beyond Jobs participants.
Basic shelter is necessary for a life full of growth, opportunity and happiness. Our senior home repair clients receive repairs needed to prevent eviction, foreclosure and admittance to senior living arrangements.
Giving $75 a month for a year provides the needed home repairs for 1 neighbor.
No building is safe without a sturdy foundation. Our programs provide education and experience to help our participants set themselves up for successful, meaningful lives for themselves and their families.
Giving $150 a month for a year supports 1 Beyond Jobs participant for 6 months.