Health and Wellness
Class 1: Navigating Healthcare Providers
Please click the link above, watch the video, read any infographics and answer the questions provided.
Class 2: Understanding Insurance
Please click the link above, watch the video, read any infographics and answer the questions provided.
Class 3: Diseases and Illnesses
Please click the links below, watch the videos, read any infographics, and answer the questions provided.
Heart disease
Class 4: Mental Health
Please click the links below, watch the videos, read any infographics, and answer the questions provided.
Violence and PTSD
Health and Wellness Resources
Primary Care
Tips for Choosing a Primary Care Physician - SSM Health
If you’re a MO HealthNet (Medicaid) recipient, use this portal to search for a primary care doctor.
Resources -American Diabetes Association
For People with Diabetes - Center for Disease Control
Heart Disease
Heart Attack and Stroke Symptoms - The American Heart Association
Heart Disease - Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Cancer Screenings: Who should be screened and what cancers can be detected? - Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Financial Resources - Cacner.Net
Cancer Facts and Figures for African Americans - American Cancer Society
Coping with Cancer -
National Hotline - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
You Can Quit Tobacco - SAMHSA
The Opioid Crisis and the Black/African American Population: an Urgent Issue - SAMHSA
What is Addiction? - National Institute on Drug Abuse
Drugs that People Misuse - National Institute on Drug Abuse
Violence Prevention - Center for Disease Control
Homicide and Grief - Victim Connect
Health Insurance Resources
CHIPS Health and wellness
CHIPS is a local St. Louis healthcare clinic that offers health insurance for $35/year, and has a network of primary care and specialty care providers who can offer health services free of charge. If you’re an active member of the Beyond Jobs program who is currently UNINSURED, please talk with your Success Coach about signing up for CHIPS Health and Wellness Clinic, and we may be able to cover the cost of your insurance through the program. More information can be found on CHIPS’ website here.
Gateway to better health
Gateway to Better Health is a temporary health care program for uninsured adults in St. Louis City and County. The program is designed to provide uninsured adults a bridge in care until they are able to enroll in health insurance coverage options available through the Affordable Care Act.
In mid-2017, the federal government tentatively approved extending the program until December 31, 2022, unless other long-term solutions become available.
The program covers primary, specialty and urgent care services for individuals up to 100% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Download and complete the application — GATEWAY TO BETTER HEALTH APPLICATION
Schedule an appointment with a Community Health Worker here.
Bring your completed application, your proof of citizenship or visa status, and your proof of income for 30 days to your scheduled appointment.
If you have questions or need help filling out the application, please call Kelvin Pettis - 314.778.1135
For more information on eligibility and benefits, click here. For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, click here.