CORE helps employers evolve, equip and expand
We want to help businesses evolve their thinking to be more inclusive.
We will work to equip your team with the best resources and wraparound support for your employees.
The investment in your employees will
help expand your business, taking it
to the next level.
CORE helps encourage, educate and elevate your employees
We will encourage and support your employees through challenges inside and outside of work.
We will educate your employees in workplace basics and life skills.
This support and investment from you and us helps elevate your employees’ life overall.
CORE is the best fit for a company or business that is looking to provide wraparound support and coaching to employees and increase retention.
CORE is best for new employees, employees at risk of termination, employees employed by a hiring agency that will likely be converted to permanent employees, and employees that may be considered as future leaders at your company.
CORE employers are expected to:
Participate fully in Action Planning setting to determine which services will be most beneficial for their employees.
Invest in employees by paying for their participation through the program, either their hourly wage or stipend.
Provide regular updates on participating employees’ employment status for tracking purposes
Complete the CORE Employer Application.
A team member from Mission: St. Louis will reach out to schedule a site visit and interview. The goal of this interview is to learn about the company's needs and barriers to employee success.
Employers selected to participate will complete an Employer Action Plan and sign a Partner Agreement.
Employers are expected to cover the cost of an employee’s time while they attend programming and coaching sessions (up to 40 hours over the course of 12 months).
There is a cost for the program. Determined by factors like business size, # of employees participating, and level of support. This price is agreed upon during the Program Participation Agreement phase of Employer Onboarding.
We offer two levels of programming, intervention and support based on the needs of your employees.
During the first month, employees will either participate in three full-day training sessions or four two-hour training sessions. During the second month, employees will participate in four two-hour training sessions. For the twelve months following, employees will participate in monthly check-ins with their Success Coach. They may also meet with Each1 Partners as necessary.
Along with action planning and accessing partner services. Trainings/classes will discuss the following topics (can be customized based on the employers needs):
• Starting a Successful Career (Goal Setting, Transferable Skills, Developing Leadership Skills, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, etc.)
• Work/Life Balance
• Knowing Company Policies
• Intro to Employment Coaching
• Communication Basics (Working on a Team, Conflict Resolution)
• Learning Styles
• Life Skills (Self-Control/Self-Regulation, Perseverance and Resilience) -
SLU Legal Clinic, Places for People and Enterprise Bank
Additional Partners and services provided by Each1 include: CHIPS (healthcare alternative), Neighborhood Healing Network, Transportation assistance, Rental/Utility assistance, Online Learning Lab
An Action Plan is a short-term goal planning process that identifies goals, action steps, areas of support, barriers to completion, and outlines expectations.
Employers complete an Action Plan to identify any barriers to employee success and areas to improve.
Employees complete an Action Plan to create program goals like attending meetings with Success Coaches and Each1 Partners, as well as personal, financial and housing goals.
If you have any questions about CORE, please email or call 314.534.1188.