Meet Jarvis Fisher: Rebuilding After Loss

Jarvis Fisher first came to the SHOW ME PEACE (SMP) program after experiencing profound loss- losing his job, his home, and most devastatingly, his youngest son to gun violence. Looking for a way forward, he sought out support from us. The resources he received helped him cover his son’s burial costs and secure housing. Along with these resources, Jarvis found strength, community, and a way to rebuild. 

Reflecting on what helped him overcome violence and conflict, Jarvis credits much of his healing to the therapy services we referred him to. He shared that having a therapist to talk through the trauma, especially the loss of his son, was particularly impactful.  

Beyond the individual counseling, it was in group counseling that he felt truly connected to others. For him, it was an outlet and non-judgmental space with others who also did not have another place to share.  

Through SMP, Jarvis has felt empowered and wants others who have experienced similar situations to recognize that they are not alone and they should feel confident reaching out for help because help does exist.  

“You're not the only one with those thoughts and feelings,” Jarvis explains. “There are other people that relate to what you're going through who can assist you in the best way they can with resources and knowledge, so you don't have to deal with most difficulties alone.” 

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