Volunteer Highlight: Vince Hawkins


Vince Hawkins began volunteering with Mission: St. Louis inspired by a shared commitment to dignity and community. He was connected to us through RGA, another company who volunteers at our essentials drives events. In his second year volunteering with us, Vince reflects on what continues to drive and inspire him. 

1.What inspired you to start volunteering with Mission St. Louis?  

“Primarily, I volunteered at essential drives. Last year, I brought my church down here, and we did [Affordable Christmas] where community members are able to come in and buy Christmas gifts for their children.  

“People are able to buy things for their family members or their children or loved ones, so I was pretty impressed.” 

2. How has your experience volunteering influenced your perspective on community needs and poverty needs? 

“I grew up in, I'd say, in a marginalized community, in New Orleans, Louisiana. So, I'm aware of the needs. I think what's helpful is to see an organization again that's not giving people things, but again, restoring their dignity by allowing them to receive groceries for their families for Thanksgiving. At the end of the day, while there are lots of needs, what people need more than anything is to know that they have dignity. That we're not just going to come in and give them something, but give them a sense of, ‘Hey. You're able to buy it. You're able to provide for your families.’” 

3. What brings you back to volunteer with Mission: St. Louis? 

“Honestly, I've not seen or experienced a better wrap around program, than what I'm seeing here. There may be others but just the various services that they have, the educational programs they have for the community members are essential, the law services they provide, the bank services they provide. They have so many educational programs that they're offering to people in this community. It gives people a real opportunity to thrive and succeed.” 

4. In what ways has this experience impacted you personally and or professionally? 

“I think personally, seeing the relationships between the employees here at Mission: St. Louis and the way that they connect with the people in the community. I see Kenny knowing people. I see the workers giving hugs and high fives to people. There's a sense that they know these people and that there's a relationship between them. That's impactful. It's one thing to come in and just do something nice. It's another thing to build relationships and build community with the people in this community.” 


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