Transportation, indentification, etc.

College Church (314) 266-9557

  • Assistance with replacing Missouri state ID cards and birth certificates; Partial financial assistance available

  • Need to have documentation of Missouri residence, social security number, and identification to apply for new documents

  • In-person appointments held every Tuesday from 9am-3pm at 3628 Lindell Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108

    • Appointments must be scheduled beforehand - to schedule contact either or (314)-266-9557

  • Social Security Administration

    • Can request a new card online or in-person at a Social Security office - there are multiple locations in the St. Louis area

    • Must be 18 years or older, have a driver’s license or state-issued ID, and have a mailing address in the U.S.

  • St. Louis Area Agency on Aging (SLAAA) (314) 612-5918

    • Organization provides transportation services to seniors 60 yrs and older and persons with disabilities (18- 59 yrs) living in the City of St. Louis

    • Services are offered Monday - Friday, from 7:30am and 5pm and they are subject to availability

      • Transportation available for non-emergency doctor, hospital, and dialysis center appointments, SLAAA sponsored senior centers within the City, governmental or bank appointments, grocery and drug stores, and SLAAA related events

    • To recieve services contact 314-612-5918 or 877-612-5918 or visit your nearest senior center

Mandy ZoelzerComment